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Redefining Nude.


Hey everyone! Welcome back!

(this video is amazing and really captures everything that I have been trying to express from these beautiful women who talk about their own experiences with "nude")

Instead of focusing in on one aspect of life that marginalizes black women in society, I am going to talk about how the definition/concept of Nude forces women of color to go the extra mile every single day in virtually every single aspect of their lives to accommodate to the "white gaze" of our society.

Being a white women, writing this blog has really opened my eyes to the seemingly "little things" that are deemed to be acceptable in our misogynioristic society, and it makes me sick. The whole premise of this blog is to evoke some sort of change or at least some additional awareness to everyone but especially people who were like me, ignorant to all of this discrimination that is all around us (and to those who want to further open their eyes in general to these injustice that are everywhere). It is important for people, no matter who you are, to be educated about the systemic racism that is expressed virtually everywhere, even if your privilege blinds you from seeing it. I'm not saying that having privilege is necessarily a bad thing... I am saying that it is crucial to use your privilege to promote justice for those who are not privileged.

The racism that underlies of the word nude is one "tiny" aspect of our society that has immense consequences resulting in further marginalizing women, and people, of color. 4 simple letters that have way more consequences then they should.

The term "nude" is not just in reference to a color or skin tone, but it is supposed to imply that someone is naked. Assigning tones like creme and beige to the word nude has serious implications regarding how someone is supposed to look like while in the nude or naked. White. Having this be the definition of nude is reflected in the beauty industry, the fashion industry, skin care industry, dance industry, the toy industry, the medical field, the movie industry, and social media... just to name a few. This limited definition of a concept/term/word that is used quite often over a wide realm of different industries tells people what something, or someone, should look like, what is accepted, and what is beautiful.

You can imagine how this can have a toll on someone's physical, emotional, and mental health. Just like I have talked about in my previous posts (if you haven't read them yet, I would recommend it), it is CRUCIAL to restructure and redefine the meaning of the world nude to be representative of everyone. More and more companies are incorporating new shades of nudes to their collections whether that be foundation, bras, underwear, ballet shoes, toys, tights, wigs, etc. But I think that there should be a universal moment where no one accepts "nude" to be just beige or creme, but to be all shades of black, brown, and white; Fifty(+) Shades of Nude.

This may be a utopian kind of suggestion, but one step at a time it can happen. The most important things to do is to NEVER stop fighting, NEVER stop talking and spreading awareness, NEVER stop educating (yourself and others), and NEVER ever give up.

As the title of this blog says: Skin color does not define your sexy, you do.

That is what I want you to take away from this blog. No matter what you feel is holding you back, at the end of the day YOUR actions are what matters. I am with you and I never stop educating myself about the injustices that sit right under my nose. I will do all that is in my power to stand up for what is right no matter how difficult, uncomfortable, or impossible it may seem. YOU are beautiful. YOU are strong. YOU are kind and YOU deserve to be treated with respect and justice.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, it has been a really fun experience for me. Feel free to comment if you would like me to continue and what you would want to hear about.



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Nov 13, 2020

We need more people taking a stand... more allies with privilege for sure!

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