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When you think about someone who has been sunburnt, you most likely think of someone with typically fair skin tinted red due to lack of SPF protection... Well, what about people who have a little more melanin? Skin damage happens regardless of how much or how little melanin you have. People of darker skin typically have around 13 SPF protection naturally but dermatologist recommend at least 30 SPF... so no matter how dark your skin is, you deserve protection from the sun and should feel good while wearing that protection.
The white cast that is left on your skin after applying sunscreen is, unfortunately, a reason that people of color don't typically wear sunscreen (as a whole American's tend to not wear sunscreen as much as they should but it is a predominant issue within the back community)... The white cast that is left on the skin implies that sunscreen is meant for pale skin. This effect not only marginalizes black people but can have serious health implications for people of color later in life. Sunscreen has many positive effects for everyone... EVERYONE. There is a lack of research and inclusion in clinical trials of black people, but there has been significant evidence for African-Americans being less likely to survive a diagnosis of skin cancer compared to more white people being diagnosed but with a much higher chance of survival. This lack of empirical evidence marginalizes a large population of people and can't help but make me question who is really being considered when these "public" health organizations come out with these recommendations "backed by evidence."
The myth that dark-skinned individuals don't need to wear sunscreen is not only physically damaging, with the potential threat of loosing their lives, but is also emotionally damaging. When put into the context that something a simple as sunscreen is not encouraged by companies for black consumption can imply it is not worth doing the research to find the effects of the lack of use of sunscreen... when it could quite literally save their lives. Basically saying they are not worth it, their lives aren't worth it. This notion is not okay.
The lack of sunscreen use has a significantly larger effect on women of color because sunscreen prevents the onset of conditions that are caused by the sun, such as lupus, which is very common among black women, so not having sunscreen that fits their complexion could lead to this illness. There is also evidence that certain medications, for example high blood pressure (that is also common among black women), that can cause the skin to become more photosensitive.
Everyone should wear sunscreen, and everyone should feel good while doing it. The FDA regulates sunscreen as a drug rather than cosmetics so the effects of white-casting aren't accounted for when approving different formulas and their appearance on different skin tones. This can be very discouraging for black women who are just trying to protect themselves and their skin. There is a section on youtube of black women trying different sunscreens to see if they pass the "Ashy Test." Sites and channels like this help other women like themselves find sunscreen brands that make them look and feel good in their own beautiful skin. There has been an increase of sun-care products that are aware of this white-casting problem that formulate sunscreens specifically for black individuals (I have listed a few below. That being said, stay protected everyone, and wear your sunscreen (minimum 30 SPF).
Video's like this are important for people in the black community to remember the importance of sunscreen while being shown which brands will be best for their different skin tones, some of the comments read:
Izzy Hassan:"I didn't reali[z]e I needed this video till you posted it"
Claudia Castro: "Thanks for the video. We dark skinned people tend to understimate the importance of sunscreen 😂 Also we tend to look ashy with sunscreen haha"
Styled by Mercy: "That "I'm feeling discouraged" moment was SO REAL! Lol! That's exactly how I felt at my friends Mary Kay party trying out the samples. Nothing worked!"
Good Brands For People of Color:
Fenty Skin: HYDRA VIZOR INVISIBLE MOISTURIZER BROAD SPECTRUM SPF 30 SUNSCREEN. Sale price:$35 https://www.fentybeauty.com/hydra-vizor-invisible-moisturizer-broad-spectrum-spf-30-sunscreen/FS20001.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw_NX7BRA1EiwA2dpg0pvpkfASwVJwBhcG7Iih_hAZZjAp6ZReE5q2rpDqspTBedHVbJsSKBoCtLgQAvD_BwE
The Ordinary: Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA. Sale price: $5.80 https://www.sephora.com/product/the-ordinary-deciem-natural-moisturizing-factors-ha-P427414?country_switch=us&lang=en&skuId=2031425&om_mmc=ppc-GG_1165716902_56760224127_aud-848744556433:pla-418153771427_2031425_257731959071_9008419_c&ds_rl=1261471&gclid=CjwKCAjw_NX7BRA1EiwA2dpg0kDgDBeoEeQJPTu3tsRoFL6zTiLHkWViWcOrd-kC3gnSQSHM5yUb4hoCDx4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Paula's Choice: Resist: YOUTH-EXTENDING DAILY HYDRATING FLUID SPF 50. Sale price: $8.50 https://www.paulaschoice.com/resist-youth-extending-daily-hydrating-fluid-spf-50/780-7807.html?utm_medium=cpc_shopping_nonbrand&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=usnonbrandpla&utm_adgroup=7807&utm_term=7807&p=FSOCT&gclid=CjwKCAjw_NX7BRA1EiwA2dpg0i5SVkYNssxr_xH49uSWIzspwQv7lZ4fIoogQNSH8EwVcUtzF30rKRoCUiAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Black Girl Sunscreen Broad Spectrum - SPF 30 (black owned and sponsored). Sale price $15.99 https://www.target.com/p/black-girl-sunscreen-broad-spectrum-spf-30-3-fl-oz/-/A-76157877?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping_Local&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9008419&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=CjwKCAjw_NX7BRA1EiwA2dpg0oQ1SKgTr4PsVMTV04E63L-XVim3ro7sqH5NW2Qy-uNeYhi5wCGoGBoCbSAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
And 20 more here: https://www.elle.com/beauty/g22607578/best-sunscreen-for-black-people/